Free Online DAE to GIF Converter

Our DAE to GIF converter will take the 3D model contained within your DAE file and create a simple animated video file that will be saved to the GIF format. You may upload up to 20 files at one time and have them batch converted to the GIF format.

Drag and drop your files here to upload or click the button above.
A maximum of 20 files can be converted at once.

Please note: Your DAE file file, when uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload. Please download your converted DAE file file before this time.

To get started, click the "Select File" button; this will open up a file browser with which you can select your DAE files from your local device. Once selected, you can click the "Convert" button to have our tool convert them to the GIF format.

File information for DAE and GIF

Full NameCOLLADA - Collaborative Design Activity
Type3D Model
Mime Typetext/xml

The Khronos Group created the DAE file, a 3D model file format. The format is an XML text-based format, storing the 3D model information in a standardized XML structure, ensuring it is easy to add additional features without introducing compatibility issues.

Many 3D editing applications support the importing and exporting of DAE files, including the popular 3D editor Blender.

Mesh Geometry

DAE files support mesh geometry along with various types of surface definitions, from simple triangles to full polygon meshes. It has support for face and vertex normals and texture coordinates too. Mesh elements defined within the XML structure can be shared between multiple 3D objects within the final rendered scene.

DAE Converter Capabilities

As materials containing texture and color information are both supported by the DAE format, our tool will do its best to include these materials, including any texture files, in the converted file.

Full NameGraphics Interchange Format
Mime Typeimage/gif

GIF files are a popular image format on the internet and are a common format used in the distribution of internet memes. GIF files have been around since the dawn of the internet and were designed to offer high-resolution image capabilities within a small file size.

Due to their ability to be used as an animation format, GIF files have become particularly popular as the format of choice for distributing internet memes. Their lack of full 24-bit color support has, however, seen the PNG format used in preference to GIF for many applications.


GIF files are particularly useful for storing animation sequences, and this is one of the main reasons for the format's popularity. In the early days of the internet, the use of GIF files to store photographic images and other web assets declined in favor of more modern formats such as JPG and PNG.

How to Convert your DAE to GIF?

Here are two steps to convert your DAE to GIF using our free DAE converter tool.

Upload your DAE file

Click the "Select File" button, and then select the DAE file to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Download your GIF

Click the download link to receive your GIF file.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert my DAE to GIF?

First, click the "Select File" button and choose your DAE file. We will upload and convert your DAE file. Once the conversion from DAE to GIF completes, use the provided link to download your GIF file.

How long does it take to convert my DAE file to GIF?

We aim to process all DAE to GIF file conversions as soon as possible; this should take around 5 seconds; however, this may be longer for larger files.

Is the DAE format suitable for 3D printing?

No. Most 3D printing slicer software will not support the DAE format. It is recommended to convert your DAE file to the STL format if you wish to 3D print it.

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