Here is our 3D model conversion tool dedicated to converting the most popular 3D model formats into another format of your choice. Our 3D model converter is capable of batch converting up to 20 3D model files at a time. To get started, simply click the "Select File" button and select the files you wish to convert.
Drag and drop your files here to upload or click the button above.
A maximum of 20 files can be converted at once.
Please see the 3D conversion format section further down this page for further 3D file/mesh conversion information.
Our 3D model converters support the most popular formats, such as STL, OBJ, BLEND and more. Your 3D model files can be converted to most other supported formats.
Once you have selected a 3D model to convert, our tool will display a list of supported formats the model can be converted to.
Our 3D model converter will try to ensure all geometry (that is the vertices and faces) are converted correctly. If the model contains vertex normals, these will be converted to the target format is they are supported.
Here are 3 simple steps to convert your 3D Model File using our free 3D Model File file conversion tool.
Yes, there is no cost to using our conversion tools.
At this time, we do not have any usage limits other than the maximum of 20 file uploads per conversion run.
The size of your 3D Model file will affect processing times, so please allow for this. For smaller files of around 5MB, our tools will aim to have it completed within a few seconds.
When you upload your file to our site, we use a set of bespoke conversion components to, as accurately as possible, convert your file to the requested format. When the conversion is complete you will see a download link with which to retrieve your converted file.
Yes, your files are automatically deleted from our servers after 20 minutes.
Yes, you can. Our 3D Model file converters only require a modern web browser to convert your files.
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