Free Online HEIC to OBJ Converter

Welcome to our HEIC to OBJ image to 3D model file converter that will take your HEIC image file and convert it into a full 3D model that you can then download in the OBJ format using either a heightmap or extrusion process. Our tool supports up to 20, HEIC to OBJ conversions at one time, allowing you to batch convert your files quickly.

Drag and drop your files here to upload or click the button above.
A maximum of 20 files can be converted at once.

Please note: Your HEIC file file, when uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload. Please download your converted HEIC file file before this time.

Our HEIC to OBJ converter offers several options when converting your HEIC image files; these options are accessed by clicking the button next to your file once selected. Some of the options available include the choice of mode, which can be either heightmap or extrude (with color as an additional option), the dimensions, smoothing options, and more.

File information for HEIC and OBJ

Full NameHigh Efficiency Image File Format
Mime Typeimage/heic

An HEIC file is a relatively new image format created to offer greater quality and compression ratios than older formats such as JPG. HEIC has found widespread adoption among image editing software thanks to the use of the format by Apple on their phones and tablets.

Apple's adoption of the format was critical. Photos taken on Apple devices, such as their smart phones, being saved to the HEIC format has created a lot of interest in the format and a desire from third parties to support it.


As HEIC was designed to be a direct replacement for the JPG format, it shares the same uses; for example, it is best used for storing photographic images rather than logos and other images that require a lossless compression format.

Full NameWavefront
Type3D Model
Mime Typetext/plain

An OBJ file is a text-based file format used for the storage of 3D model data. The format was developed in the 1980s by Wavefront Technologies as a means to store the geometric mesh data associated with a 3D model. It has garnered widespread support in the following years, and you will find options to load from and save to the OBJ format in most modern 3D modeling applications.

As OBJ files are essentially text files, they can grow quite large when working with large and detailed 3D models.

Mesh Geometry

Within a 3D OBJ file are lists of vertices, mesh faces, face normals, texture coordinates, and more. The vertices, normals, and texture coordinates are stored in a continuous list and are indexed referenced within a separate list of mesh faces, ensuring optimal use of space within the file. A mesh face may contain three or more points, each of which can use a unique vector normal and texture coordinate.

How to Convert your HEIC to OBJ?

Here are two steps to convert your HEIC to OBJ using our free HEIC converter tool.

Upload your HEIC file

Click the "Select File" button, and then select the HEIC file to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Download your OBJ

Click the download link to receive your OBJ file.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert my HEIC to OBJ?

First, click the "Select File" button and choose your HEIC file. We will upload and convert your HEIC file. Once the conversion from HEIC to OBJ completes, use the provided link to download your OBJ file.

How long does it take to convert my HEIC file to OBJ?

We aim to process all HEIC to OBJ file conversions as soon as possible; this should take around 5 seconds; however, this may be longer for larger files.

How is my HEIC image turned into a 3D model?

Our tool uses a heightmap process in which the OBJ model is created based on the color and brightness of the individual pixels in your HEIC image.

Is there a size limit for uploaded image files?

Yes, our conversion tool has a limit of 600x600 pixels for the HEIC image and will resize any file that is larger than this.

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