Free Online DXF Converter

Drag and drop your files here to upload or click the button above.
A maximum of 20 files can be converted at once.

Please note: Your DXF file file, when uploaded to our server, will be deleted 15 minutes after upload. Please download your converted DXF file file before this time.
Our DXF conversion tool supports converting to the following file types:

DXF file information

Full NameDrawing Exchange Format
Mime Typeimage/x-dxf

The DXF file format is a CAD file format that was developed in the early 1980s with the aim of it being a standard format for exchanging CAD related data between different software applications, allowing disconnected teams of designers, running different CAD applications, to collaborate on CAD designs.

The format itself stores the CAD data in either text or binary form within a structured hierarchy, allowing the format to be extended with new features when needed. Despite its age, it is still in use today, and most major CAD applications support the DXF format.

Popular DXF Converter Tools

How to Convert your DXF file Online?

Here are 3 simple steps to convert your DXF file using our free DXF file file conversion tool.

Upload your DXF file

Click the "Select File" button, and then select a DXF file file to upload. The maximum file size is 100MB.

Select file type

Select the file type to convert your DXF file to using the list of available types.

Download your file

Click the download link to get your converted file.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free to use the DXF file conversion tools?

Yes, there is no cost to using our conversion tools.

Are there any DXF file conversion limits?

At this time, we do not have any usage limits other than the maximum of 20 file uploads per conversion run.

How long do I need to wait for my converted file to be completed?

The size of your DXF file will affect processing times, so please allow for this. For smaller files of around 5MB, our tools will aim to have it completed within a few seconds.

How is my DXF file converted, whats involved?

When you upload your file to our site, we use a set of bespoke conversion components to, as accurately as possible, convert your file to the requested format. When the conversion is complete you will see a download link with which to retrieve your converted file.

Is it safe to convert my DXF on

Yes, your files are automatically deleted from our servers after 20 minutes.

Can I convert my DXF file using Android, iOS, Mac OS or Linux?

Yes, you can. Our DXF file converters only require a modern web browser to convert your files.

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